Our Concept

PRAYMUSIC is a platform tailored to enable musican, music composer or publisher to publish, or operate their music stores to display or sell their music and/or album, to facilitate payments by Customers.

How it works

How it works

Create an account

Register your account with just one step.

Subscription plan

Subscribe to use PRAYMUSIC on a subscription basis.

Upload Music

Upload music to your own music stores.

Your Customer

Music uploaded by you on PRAYMUSIC are open for Customer to visit, browse, place orders for musics and/or ablums they want. Customers can listen demo musics as guest without registering as member.

Monthly Subscription

Start now

PRAYMUSIC is currently made available to you for a subscription fee for commercial use. Create an account TODAY and our representative will contact with you.

Create an account
  • Play any track
  • Shuffle play
  • Playlist & search
  • No ad interruptions
  • With lyrics or score
  • Credit card payment
  • SSL cert secure encryption

Create Merchant Account

Complete below application form to create a Merchant account to create or publish your online music store. Our representative will contact with you assisting to subscribe to a Subscription Plan.

I read, understand and agree to the Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy.